Ace Challenge

Revolutionizing professional golf
experience with unique

Industry: Sports
Technology: IP Camera’s, FFMPEG, Laravel (PHP), VueJS, Cordova, Quasar

Our frontend and backend developers built an Android and iOS application that supports players with real-time monitoring and helps improve their performance using artificial intelligence. ​

​With every participation, you can bet on your performance and earn points that you can use for new play credit. However, a portion of the proceeds will always be donated as charity aid.

With the feature set implemented the idea was to create a betting challenge for players from all levels throughout the gamified platform and the UI elements, while simultaneously improving your swing technique with personalized videos. The Ace Challenge is the perfect blend of challenge and entertainment, making every round of golf a truly unforgettable experience with an extra layer of excitement and competition.

​The Ace Cup is a new feature for the Ace Challenge.​ Qualification is implemented and the UI/UX designs has changed and are build by our team.

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