Float Plus

Battery, control unit, charging point wireless remote full-color LCD screen for Belly Boats

Industry: Sports
Bluetooth, Display, Power motor control, Applications

Our team selected the technology stack, designed the architecture, and built the electric motor which is made
of strong and specially developed polycarbonate filled with glass fiber. The FloatPlus system consists of one case with
a battery, control unit, and charging point for the wireless remote control with a full-color LCD screen. We also paid utmost attention to creating a user-friendly interface, optimizing performance, and limiting battery drain.

Client and Goals

The creators of Float Plus envisioned a revolution in bellyboat fishing, crafting specialized equipment to enhance the angler's experience. Their vision manifests in the Float Plus Motor, the first electric motor tailored for bellyboats, and the Float Plus Bellyboat series, designed for optimal performance, innovation, and maximum agility on the water.


Creating the Float Plus series posed challenges, from engineering the powerful Twin Force motor for bellyboats to designing the Float Plus Bellyboat line for innovation and agility. Overcoming hurdles in compact motor design, ensuring lightweight yet stable bellyboats, and maintaining optimal performance demanded meticulous planning and expertise, resulting in a groundbreaking solution for anglers.

Bestronics’s Role

Bestronics Development played a pivotal role in realizing the vision of the Float Plus series, providing expertise in the development of the groundbreaking Twin Force motor and contributing innovative design solutions to the Float Plus Bellyboat line. Their commitment to excellence and technological prowess made Bestronics Development an essential partner in bringing this project to fruition.

In recent years, the Float Plus Bellyboat Motor has gained significant recognition as an award-winning product, as the Best New Product in its category!

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